Kali Ma is Cody Miller -- a Producer, DJ, and student based out of West Chester, Pennsylvania. Kali Ma began producing dubstep, drumstep, and the like, but was quickly discouraged by the new wave of producers whose goal was to drop-the-heaviest-drop-even-heavier-than-any-other-producer-could-drop. These sorts of producers have saturated the airwaves and the series of tubes that brings you these words with carbon copies of the same Massive presets and crappy pop vocal tracks that some regard as "original". These producers have diluted the "good stuff" down to near extinction. Now what's left is a scene no better than the Disney wonder kids, the Justin Biebers -- hit machines with no heart, no creativity, interchangeable pieces of garbage, all alike.
But now, Kali Ma is back, producing tunes of a different kind. No genre in particular, no bpm in particular, just MUSIC that's FUN and makes you want to DANCE -- rainbows pouring out of your chest, shake your body like a wet dog kind of DANCE. And that's it.